Small Groups
Small groups start up January 16th!
1st & 3rd Thursdays studying The Gospel-Centered Life.
For more information visit our small groups page
Men's Study
Thursday Mornings 6:30-7:45am @ Bruegger's Bagels (1043 Summit Ave, Oconomowoc)
We will be studying Ministries of Mercy by Tim Keller.
For more information visit our men's study page
Women's Study
Women's study starts January 9th!
2nd & 4th Thursdays
studying the book of Esther @ the Schwandt's HomeFor more information visit our women's study page
Youth Group
Youth Group kick off begins January 26th!
If you're a G&P 5th through 12th grader, please consider attending regularly and inviting your friends.
For more information visit our youth group page